Friday, April 22, 2016

Scrabble Art

After finally finishing my first 3 crafts, I looked through my "Honey Do" Pinterest board to find what I wanted to do next. To get some ideas of what I want to make, I have added a widget to the right of my blog.

I had pinned something like this and thought, I can totally do that. Easy Peasy right?

scrabble tile family name art for the wall | #wallart #decor @Remodelaholic .com .com .com:

Well in the process, I almost cut off my pointer finger, got paint everywhere and somehow had made an extra K.

Luckily this time I thought to take some pictures of the process which I should of done for the other things.
Above is after cutting all the blocks I needed and I was in the process of painting the squares tan.

Here is all the blocks I painted with the letters stenciled and the little numbers free hand.

And finally the ALMOST finished product. This is the time that I realized I had made an extra "K", when I laid out the letters to my design.

Now the only thing left is to somehow connect them...

Lots of wood glue and lots of clamping but we're almost there. Had a few snags along the way but it's been a learning process.

And now about a week into the work, It is finally finished, a little crooked and hanging on our wall.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Side Project

It seems days that with every large project I take on, there are multiple side projects.

While working on my scrabble tiles I was voluntold that I would be painting the second dresser.

So me  and Jamal sat down and tried to figure out where it would go in our house and came to the conclusion that it would go in Kenny's room. Oh you haven't been introduced to Kenny yet have you?? He is our rambunctious 4 year old son.

 Handsome little boy right?

Yea I know.

Anyway his Pre-K teacher laid it on me Tuesday that I needed to make a paper bag costume...due Thursday.

Problem number 1, its two days away that it's due
Problem number 2, I have never heard of a paper bag costume
Problem number 3, I am NOT CREATIVE

So with all that said, I got on pinterest and got on Google.

Hoping this is what I was supposed to do but here's the finished product.

P.S. I was going to do a butt crack and thought it might get him in no crack.

Kenny decided to add  an extra strip of yellow

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Small quick project

A Lovely neighbor of mine was getting rid of some stuff and gave me 6 of these black Ikea mirrors.

So quick and easy update , painted chevron teal onto them and bam

Mirrors from ikea and painted them pretty:

Handy Mama

My First Projects

I finally got my saw and just jumped into 3 different schemes. Start small? sure I can start small....3 small endeavors.

I got my pallets, tore them apart and starting cutting. Measure wood, wait people still do that?

Not Samantha.

Pinterest is my best friend and other lover apart from my husband.

Below are some pins I have for pinspiration.

Corner Shelf

DIY name gifts, family, pallet - Google Search: Family Name sign

Halloween Road Sign Marker - make it diagon alley:

Direction signs

Corner Shelf

And them from these inspirations, I made the following.

Family name finished:

Our Family Name sign

Where we are and where we're from:
Direction signs

My first shelf:
Corner Shelf

Handy Mama

Intro to my garage

So me and my family are having lots of changes in our immediate future.

Can't disclose too much at this time because pretty much everything is sensitive.

Basically I'm being that person on Facebook that posts a vague post saying something like

"So Sad :(("

Then when it is commented on says "Don't wanna talk about it"

Seriously, why say anything if you wont talk about it?

Well I'm saying that so I can say this, we are having lots of changes and because of the mystery changes, I am doing projects.

We recently moved into a new house from about a block away, not far, but when we did we were blessed privileged to have a garage. Wait, hold up, did I just say blessed? Ok retraction.

With the garage brought upon many projects to take place. My husband Jamal, now has room to refinish the dresser that has been an ongoing project for over a year now. Thankfully we are upon completion. Hopefully moving it into the house to be used within the week. Also since we moved, we have made many close friends with our neighbors. 3 of our neighbors actually do woodwork. They go and get free pallets from stores (of course with permission) and build things.

Well I've been watching them for months now, specifically 4 months and been becoming more and more interested in the craft.

Fast forward to now, I have talked Jamal into buying me a saw.

Ryobi 14-Amp 10 in. Compound Miter Saw in Green
This is my baby and so far, a few weeks with this baby, I still have all my fingers so that's awesome.

I have gotten some of the smaller pallets and am making my home mine.

I am slowly acquiring paint, brushes, and all the tools of the trade.

This is where you will see all my masterpieces/disasters.

Handy Mama

P.S. If you remind me, I'll show you the crazy room that is our garage full of randomness.